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Business Budgeting Tools

Built for Organizations That Track Time

ClickTime’s business budgeting tools make it easy to gain project insights and understand employee performance. No matter how you budget — by retainer, by project, or variable or lump sum — our dashboards and visual summaries are proven to help you staff smarter, reduce costs, and increase profitability.

"ClickTime's reporting is above and beyond anything else. You can't compare any tool to it."
Drithal Kala
Project Manager, Control Gap

Dynamic Billing Rates

  • Customize billing rates by role, task, employee, or client
  • Automatically bill the correct amount to your customers — including exceptions, special rates, and complex job hierarchies
  • Easily create custom rate cards for specific employees or teams

Project Budgeting

Don’t wait for answers — see real-time project performance with easy budgeting software.

  • Analyze and plan project resources, profit, and billings — as employees work against them in real time.
  • Understand long-term trends and identify outliers with dashboards and powerful project budgeting and insight tools
  • Reduce out-of-scope work and stay on budget by surfacing key project metrics

Retainer-Based Budgeting

Reduce over servicing

Identify projects or clients that are trending toward over servicing — and stop it before it happens

Increase profit margins

Automate administrative tasks to reduce non-billable hours

Measure employee utilization

More effectively staff projects and teams, and easily recognize when employees are under or over utilized.

Gain real-time budget visibility

See who is working on what — all in real time

Lifetime Budgeting

  • Allocate and manage employee time against lump sum projects
  • Analyze real-time progress and share trends and outcomes with internal stakeholders and clients
  • Combine with project- or retainer-based budgets to manage large-scale and complex jobs

Forecasting and Business Budgeting Tools

Get resource management visibility with Resource Planning and powerful business budgeting tools

  • Accurately predict costs and employee time in order to plan project capacity.
  • Benchmark recurring tasks and processes to improve job costing and estimation
  • Empower project managers with tools to visualize budgets and goals